Our story began a long time ago, on roads from dreams that became reality.
There was a day when we decided to open a restaurant, in our adoptive country, Germany, just 2 years after moving here. We decided in 48 hours to take a notorious, dirty and unkempt place, but with great potential. A superb location, under the forest, on the outskirts of the city. We renovated for a month, day and night, with four hands and about 3 friends occasionally. Through the dexterity of my husband’s hands, vision and some talent that God has gifted us with, we succeeded. After 2 years, I showed my husband a beautiful photo of a Shabby-Chic decorated room. He told me: “You can do this, you will transform the restaurant, I support you.” The second renovation lasted 2 months, working only at night so as not to disturb the activity of the restaurant. The customers were amazed, telling us that they had never seen anything like this before.
One of the most beautiful reviews we’ve received for our work and effort:(Yes, we repaired, renovated, cleaned, served and cooked, with all our heart and soul. This is how we do everything, in any field, both for us and for our clients)
“Wir waren heute zu dritt hier. ………..
Uns wurde aufgrund des Wetters ein Platz im Haus angeboten.
Der Raum wirkt sehr angenehm, alles ist in weiss und beige gehalten, verziert mit kleinen Blumendekoren. An einer Wand hängt eine kleine Sammlung an älteren Uhren; in einer anderen Ecke ein altes Klavier, welches durch Farbe und Dekoration einen in den Raum passenden Charme hat; alles in allem sehr detailverliebt und beruhigend angenehm. Auf dem Tisch stehen kleine Schachteln aus Holz, in welchen sich Salz, Pfeffer, Öl und Essig befinden. Diese Schachteln sind ebenso selbst dekoriert und spiegeln den Stil des Raumes wieder.
Zum Gulasch muss ich sagen, da waren wir extrem überrascht. Jeder von uns kennt es, wenn man in irgendein Lokal geht und sieht Gulasch, man denkt immer an den selben Geschmack. Hier war es anders! Das Gulasch war frisch vom Holzfeuer mut klassischen Zutaten, aber der Geschmack war eine Explosion!
Diesen Geschmack kannte ich kur von früherer Zeit als Kind, wo meine Oma und meine Eltern mir Gulasch zubereitet haben. Diesen Geschmack hatte seither keiner geschafft. Hier ist es gelungen.
Nach dem Essen kam der Gang auf die Toilette. Auf dem Weg dahin stellte ich überraschend fest, dass es einen weiteren Gastraum gibt, der ganz anders eingerichtet und dekoriert ist und auf seine eigene Art sehr anziehend wirkt. Die Toilette selbst war sehr sauber, auch bei genauem Hinsehen liess sich nichts finden, das gibt Pluspunkte. ………………………………………..
Beim Hinausgehen haben wir einen Blick in den Biergarten geworfen, und da haben wir beschlossen, diesen unbedingt bei schönem Wetter zu besuchen, denn er wirkt gemütlich und einladend. Alles in allem sind wir sehr angenehm überrascht, für uns war der Besuch hier ein wirklich schönes, sehr geschmackvolles und angenehmes Erlebnis. Wir kommen definitiv wieder und können dieses Restaurant sehr empfehlen.”
Herr Henning Nitzsche
Shortly after, on a July day, I received a key and a contract in my name. My husband placed them in front of me at the table, with a big smile. He bought a caravan that I had dreamed of for years. We renovated it in three weeks, day and night, to “fly” with it to another dimension, a long-dreamed vacation. Everything has been modified, rebuilt, restored, of course, Shabby-Chic.
Then we started to dream again, of a house of our own, in this wonderful country. We wanted a modest, old house, in the village, near a forest, far from the city. Meanwhile, I dreamed of refurbishing old houses, antique furniture, objects forgotten by time. I had seen my mother transforming furniture and it inspired me. And somehow, as in a dream, all the roads were connected under the protection of the divinity. I look back and understand why I successfully completed 12 years of fine arts, why my husband had a passion from childhood to build things and learn everything aiming for perfection in any field, how we both designed in our dreams the Restaurant and how many years before it was fulfilled, how this and the caravan showed us that we are able to create something new from something old, something beautiful from something dull, something bright from darkness, a reality from a dream.
No, it wasn’t easy. We fell many times, got up, shook off the dust and continued. We have completed another stage and this new dream is blooming in our minds, in our souls and in our hands. We cannot explain this passion. It comes from somewhere within us, always being guided by divine power and vision. My husband is gifted with a sharp, calculated, perfectionist and creative mind. I have the artistic, feminine side, in which every piece that falls into my hands is a jewel loaded with history, story and energy. I look at a piece made of wood differently. Someone, once built that object, invested in it energy, talent, skill and maybe love. I look at it, caress it and thank the tree from which it is made, then the skillful hands that created it, then the one who used it and the one who left it so that I can put life, energy and lots of love there again. I thank the manufacturer of chalk paints, waxes and varnishes, the one who brings them to my door, the courier who delivers the finished furniture to my clients, and with great gratitude I thank the client who allows us to put a little of our soul into his home.
The joy of creating and giving with love is life itself!
By infusing our actions with love, passion, and beauty, we have the power to make a positive impact and change the world!